Food delivery with EUC: Two electric unicycles for the price of 1.5!

Food delivery with EUC: Earn up to 8000€ a month

Earn up to 8000€ a month with our special 2 EUC’s for the price of 1.5 offer*

Electric Unicycle is one of the best vehicles out there for a food courier. Fast, nimble, and perfect for even the narrowest streets, food delivery with EUC is your escape from traffic jams. Your deliveries will always be on time and your clients happy!

For maximising profits, food courier must ride around 6-10 hours a day. We admit the days are long and taxing but not only for the couriers, also for the wheels. Even the biggest EUC Batteries usually do not last through the whole day. Thats why we have this special offer for buying two EUC’s for the price of 1.5.

* The estimated maximum earning, based on our calculations and market info. 

Simply – you can work for longer and earn more! If one of the electric unicycles has its battery depleted you can just pick another one, making down-time almost not an issue.

Many couriers have stated that using a EUC is the fastest way to deliver food and earn the biggest paycheck. An electric unicycle is perfect for a crowded city, where traffic jams are often and parking spots hard to find. It’s also not as tiring as delivering food on a usual bicycle.

For the final price offer, please contact our team via website live chat or email. We will get back to you with the bargain price and all the other details!

Voltride has one of the biggest variety of electric unicycles in Europe. You can choose from everything we have in stock!

Maximize profits, and lower costs – that is the plan of business! This special offer is a great way to purchase multiple wheels for a better price and make your salary skyrocket!

How to get the deal?

For the final price offer, please contact our team via website live chat or email. We will get back to you with the price and other details.

What can i buy?

Everything we have in stock!