Your privacy is important to us, and we want you to feel safe using this website.

You can change your choices anytime in the Cookies settings or browsing settings. You may also need to change your browser settings and manually delete cookies to clear your device of previously placed cookies. Please see the detailed information below on how to do that.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that, when connected to a website, is stored in your browser. Regarding cookies in this policy, we also include similar technologies and tools that collect and store information in your browser and, in some cases, transfer such information to third parties. Examples include pixels, local storage, session storage, and fingerprinting.

Cookies collect information about your use of the website and store data in your device to, for example, support you in logging in to a website, remember what’s in your shopping cart when you are shopping online, track and analyze your visits to our website and browsing behavior to make our website work or work more efficiently, etc.

The sites will “remember” and “recognize” you. This can be done by placing cookies in three different ways:

  • Session cookies are stored on your device during browser sessions. The session is over when you close the window in your browser.
  • Persistent cookies are stored on your device between browser sessions, allowing your preferences or actions across websites (or, in some cases, across different websites) to be remembered and remain until you delete them. This applies to local storage.
  • Time-limited cookies have a predetermined lifespan. The lifespan can vary between different cookies.

You can always access your browser and delete cookies already placed.

Third-party cookies

First-party cookies are set directly by Voltride and the website you are visiting. Third-party cookies are set by someone other than Voltride, for example, by our partners and other domains. This happens when our website incorporates elements from other domains, such as images, social media plugins, or advertising.

We use third-party cookies on our website. Voltride uses external digital communication platforms, including Klaviyo, Facebook, Google Marketing Platform, and Google Ads. These platforms use first- and third-party cookies and similar technologies to advertise and monitor the advertising results.

A third-party cookie can be used by several websites to understand and track how you browse different websites. Voltride receives information from these cookies, but the information can also be used for other purposes determined by third parties. Third-party cookies on our website are subject to the respective third-party privacy policy. Please read these policies to understand what other purposes the information can be used for by third parties.

Please read our Privacy Policy for more information on how Voltride handles personal data when transferred to a third party.

Cookies on our website

We have defined different categories of cookies based on the purposes for which cookies and information collected using cookies are used to give you better control over what cookies are used on our website and thus make it easier to determine how cookies can be used when you visit our website.

All categories contain cookies, implying data is being transferred to third-party providers.

Necessary cookies

These cookies are needed for our website to work securely and correctly. They enable you to browse our website and provide the service you request. Necessary cookies make basic website functions possible, for example, identifying when you log into your account, detecting repeated failed login attempts, identifying where you are in the buying process, and remembering the items in your shopping cart.

Statistics & analytics cookies

These cookies inform us how you use our website and allow us to improve the user experience.

Marketing cookies

These cookies help us, and our partners show personalized and relevant ads based on your browsing behavior, even when you later visit other websites. Cookies in this category are used for targeted marketing and profiling, regardless of which device (s) you have used. Information collected for these purposes can also be combined with the customer and traffic data we have about you if you have given your consent for us to use your traffic data for marketing purposes and do not object to using your customer data for marketing purposes.

How to control the use of cookies

We save your choices for 12 months unless you withdraw your consent, in which case we will ask you again. Note that some cookies have a lifespan exceeding these 12 months. Therefore, you may need to change the settings in your browser and manually delete all cookies.

If you do not accept our use of cookies or have previously accepted and changed your mind, you can return to your cookies settings anytime and make or change your choice. You can change your cookies preferences in Cookies settings by clicking on the “Cookie settings” link in the footer. You can then select or unselect the relevant cookie category by ticking or unticking the relevant boxes and then clicking “Save settings.” You may need to refresh your webpage for your settings to take effect. You may also need to change your browser settings and manually delete cookies to clear your device from previously placed cookies.

To learn how to control cookies in your browser, visit the browser developer’s website.

Find out how to manage cookies on most popular browsers:

Do Not Track Signals

If you have enabled your browser’s “Do Not Track” feature, we will not automatically place marketing cookies on your device. You can make other choices in your cookies’ settings.

If you block cookies

If you disable all cookies in your browser settings, our website’s functionality and performance may be impaired, as certain features depend on cookies. Blocking cookies can, therefore, cause the website’s services not to work properly, and some essential functionality may not work.

More information

Voltride takes your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information about your data subject’s rights and how we process personal data. You can contact us at if you have any questions or concerns. Our cookie policy may change in the future.